Friday, December 7, 2012

Free Potty Training Charts

Every child is different from any other and may give hints to parents as to whether they are ready for potty training or not. Studies say that usually potty training is to be initiated somewhere between eighteen months and twenty four months, however your child may be different and may not show that he or she is ready to begin this new stage in their lives. Potty training may bring along more stress into your child’s life, therefore it would be a good idea for you to resort to various techniques that will transform this type of task into something rewarding not only for you but also for the kid – and free potty training charts from the internet are a good way of leading the kid out of stress.

Free potty training charts are all over the internet. Just as easy as it is to find tips on training your kid to use the toilet, so it is with potty training information. Many sites allow their readers and visitors to view and download free potty training charts. From this perspective it is much cheaper for parents to resort to the internet than to a library that sells expensive books. Many reviews and testimonials on the internet from previous users of the free potty training charts point to the success of these forms of training.

Free potty training charts are meant to encourage and motivate your child into using the potty and keep focusing on this new acquired habit. Some of them are sticker charts which mark the days and the times when your child used the potty and after downloading and printing you can motivate your child to put the stickers onto the chart every time they use the potty. The colors and the clip art or the beautiful child attracting pictures will become very appealing to the kid in no time.

One nice example of free potty training charts are the ones in which the child advances a favorite character to the place where he feels safest and happiest; once his character gets to that place he is allowed to place a sticker in one of the boxes they are provided with. Some of the free potty training charts have ocean themes, others have space themes; as with the ocean theme, the child can move the dolphin from one starfish to another every time he uses the potty. When the dolphin reaches the island, the reward for the kid is to place the sticker in one of the boxes.

The best advantage of the free potty training charts is that the child will definitely feel rewarded for using the porry and will become more confident in himself or herself.

Free Potty Training Tips

In case you still struggle with the young members of your family about using the potty , well, do not worry anymore but get ready to learn and then apply a few free potty training tips.  But before actually reading the free potty training tips, we have for you, you should become aware of the fact that each child is different from the others and will not allow himself trained in the same way as others. Some of the free potty training tips might work with your child but some others won’t, although they have been effective in potty training other children.

You have probably already gotten some free potty training tips from neighbors, relatives and friends. You should know that there are potty training books and equipment that you can purchase in children’s stores, or you can search the internet and find tons of free potty training tips provided by lots of parents who have already faced the problem and who want to help the others by sharing their experiences.

As mentioned above, you will find some free potty training tips in the present article. The free potty training tips we will give here will prove both useful and easy to apply. The situation is difficult as it is that is why the free potty training tips we will suggest will make your task easier. First of all you should talk about potty training with your child, explaining him what wet, dry or messy and clean means.

You can also read potty training books, thus making the process more fun preparing the child for trying to go potty. Another of the useful free potty training tips is to show the child how it is done, namely show him how to flush the toilet, how to wipe and how to wash up. Also, show the child his potty chair. Mothers are usually with the child all the time and they make good models but older siblings can also be good models in potty training.

Other free potty training tips that you will find refer to the practice itself. Make using the potty a habit in your child’s life. Take the child to visit the bathroom once or twice in the beginning and then increase the number of visits. Make sure you make the visits to the toilet at about the times the child is most likely to pee-pee or poo-poo.

Even if the child does not pee or poop every time he is taken to the toilet, the time is not wasted. On the contrary, the child will get accustomed to flushing, wiping and washing up.

Infant Potty Training

Infant potty training is a very appealing alternative to late potty training. This term means that you can start potty training your child in the first six months of hi or her life. Some studies have proved that the baby is ready to learn new things from the very birth moment. As long as there is no pressure on the baby but there is a lot of perseverance and motherly warmth, infant potty training can be quite successful.

The same studies have shown that in the first six months the baby is very receptive to whatever surrounds him, noises, images and so on. Therefore it will be quite easy for the mother to help her child associate sounds and places in the home, like the bathroom with the time or the moment of potty going.

However infant potty training requires a lot of patience and attention on the mother’s part. The mother has to study the child and figure out the moments when the infant needs to go. Body language is the key to everything related to this. She has to study the child and find out what body language or what cues the infant uses right before he or she is ready to eliminate.

Some babies may become suddenly quiet and show marks of concentration, others may stare somewhere in the distance, others may change their face to make grimaces, others turn their little bodies stiff and their legs may become tense, others simply twist and turn. It is widely believed that all mothers actually can identify when their babies are ready to go, it’s just that they haven’t thought of infant potty training at such an early stage.

After figuring out the timing and the cues that the baby gives involuntarily to the mother, it is time to begin infant potty training. First the mother has to be close to the baby when it is ready to go and start making a hissing sound or use the word pee. She should repeat this every time the child seems ready to eliminate so that the child will associate his mother’s sounds with peeing. The nest phase is to again anticipate, make the hissing sound and then take the child to the toilet and hold him there above the toilet to pee.

He or she will soon come to associate the mother’s sounds with the rooms and the peeing. This is what infant potty training consists in. It has been proved that children who begin infant potty training will definitely have no more accidents after two years old and they will be fully independent when it comes to using the potty or the toilet.

Late Potty Training

Some parents worry that their children are old enough to use the toilet and still they don’t do it. There fore late potty training is the better option; it is always better to do it later than not to do it at all. Many believe that it is better to begin potty training only after the age of three or four. Other would go for late potty training that starts even as late as five years old. Their arguments are that the child cannot be receptive to such task before this particular age.

However most pediatricians recommend early potty training to guarantee earlier success. As a result, late potty training is only a sort of postponing of what the child has to learn at a very young age.

Another argument that would go against late potty training is that all parents who already have a second child, will definitely say to you that the younger one is more receptive to whatever he or she is required to do. as such, it is true that younger children are more impressionable just as they are more gullible. Once they are already used to having a diaper and not worry about the potty issue, it will be more and more difficult for you as a parent to do away with the old child formed habit and replace with another. Therefore late potty training will only give the parent twice the work load that he would normally have if he started early potty training.

If late potty training is the case of your child aged about four years old, then you should not panic. You should get ready for harder times than you would have if you had started earlier, yet the good news is that late potty training is still possible. Some studies state that late potty training can be done even in three days. Of course there is no real guarantee against accidents, yet it is possible. In case of early training, it is best for the child to use the potty.

Yet, if the child is already three or four years old, the parent can just as well choose the toilet instead of the potty. In order to motivate the child and have success there are very many techniques to be used. Out of them, the sticker charts which motivate the child and give him or her a sense of achievement after using the potty or the toilet. For late potty training, patience and motivation are key to success.

Shouting and putting pressure on the child will only delay the so long awaited success.

Potty Training Advice

The birth of a child is one of the happiest moments in a couple’s life. As everyone knows, when the child is young the problems are not very serious and difficult to solve whereas they get harder to deal with and more serious in time. Yet when the time comes for a child to give up diapers and learn to use the potty or the toilet, many of the parents experience a real nightmare. Many parents do not know exactly what and how to do things in this situation and that is why they need potty training advice and guidance.

Some more fortunate parents do not need potty training advice as to their children using the potty comes naturally and they do not resist the using of the potty or toilet. Others, unfortunately, go through an ordeal that cannot be handled without some, at least, potty training advice. This article is dedicated to those who could use some potty training advice.

Where can parents find potty training advice? Well there are specialized people like pediatricians and psychologists who can give you potty training advice. You can also get tons of potty training advice if you only access internet sites where lots of parents ask various questions about child raising and get answers from parents who have been in those situations. Child potty training is one of the topics that is very frequently discussed.

Apparently potty training advice is most frequently asked for and provided. Of course there are books on potty training and unbelievable materials and devices to help you in your attempts to have the child use the potty. Yet other parents’ experience seems more efficient. Neighbors, friends and relatives also have a lot of potty training advice to give you. Just ask for it. 

Anyway before getting and applying any potty training advice, you should first be sure that the time for potty training is right. If you are trying to convince your junior too early to do it, you will probably cause a lot of useless stress to both the child and yourself. Thus, before applying any potty training advice watch the child for signs of readiness for potty training. When the child is ready to start potty training get the right potty training advice.

Select the most appropriate pieces of potty training advice and start fighting. During the process of potty training do not forget to be calm and patient because you might find out that your child resists the potty. If this happens, you will need all the potty training advice you can get.

Potty Training Boot Camp

Potty training boot camp is what many parents have appreciated as a very efficient method of teaching their children how to get rid of diapers. It all started with one mother who tried various methods either from specialized books or posted on internet sites and found no success. Finally she has decided to combine several methods into only one that is more complex figuring that this way she will achieve the so longed for success. And the result that she desired was finally obtained.

The potty training boot camp by definition is a combination of various methods. Why has this combination been necessary? First of all children differ from each other, and there have been many cases in which one very well known and appreciated method failed in some children’s cases. That is because not all techniques go with all children. So taking the best out of these most known and successful methods and putting them into one just had to work.

The potty training boot camp consists of four phases, the first one being preparation work. The two following are boot camp and reinforcement. And finally there is maintenance. The smart thing about this four phased method is that if you achieve no real success in the first or the second phase or stage, there will surely be success during the third or the fourth.

Many parents have resorted to the potty training boot camp and apparently all have been successful. This method can be purchased off the internet and on the site where you can actually get it from, you can find testimonials from parents that have already used it. All the results obtained were pleasing and all of the parents talking about it on this site praise the method. Some of them have previously tried the one day method, or the timed method and many others that you may have already come across. Most important in order to gain success with potty training boot camp, is to start applying this method only when your child has signaled in one way or another that he or she is ready for the training.

As for the amount of time needed to complete the training, it apparently varies from one child to another. Of course the parental perseverance and the child’s personality have a lot to do with this. Some parents have gained success with the potty training boot camp in only one weekend while others have required a longer time, around a week, to fully potty train their kids.

Regardless of how long it may take, it does require a lot of patience on the part of the parent and a lot of hard work. But the potty training boot camp results are rewarding afterwards.

Potty Training Chair

Regardless of what method you would like to use when training your kid for the potty, the potty training chair is needed. The potty training chair is one indispensable piece especially if your child is not big enough to use the toilet. Just as potty training stickers and charts are motivating for the child, so can the potty chair be. While potty training there are a whole array of products you can use like the potty training dolls, the potty pants, seats, urinals, books, DVDs and charts.

All of them differ and are made special and appealing both for you and for the child, and this variety is the result of understanding that children have different personalities and require various methods and products.

The potty training chair may have the same old function yet it may come in various shapes and sizes. A first type of potty chair that is simply functional is the inflatable one. It is great to use whatever the location is and it can be one of the best solutions especially if the parents and the child are traveling.

It takes up little space when not inflated and it can be inflated very fast. Another similar type of potty training chair is the one for travel. It is very light and small and it usually has disposable bags. It is very easy to take while on the road, and if the child announces he needs to go potty, simply stop the car and have the child use it.

Another famous type of the potty training chair is the wooden one. Most parents have actually grown up with it at a very young age. Today it is much more appealing than it used to be. The bowl under the seat can of course be removed and it usually has side pockets for placing the toilet paper or toys. Taking into account that some children are afraid to sit on the regular toilet, this type of chair is very good as it looks friendlier and it is adapted to the child’s height and needs.

Another interesting and very practical type of potty training chair is the multifunctional one. It can serve as a potty chair or as a step stool for the kid. It is also very useful for the mother while she is bathing the child as she can sit on it because it has a lid to cover the potty place.

Last but not least, there is one more potty training chair that appeals a great deal to children, and that is the musical one. It comes with many buttons the child can push and noise or animal sounds can be heard. Music can also be played by this potty training chair and some models may also render specific sounds associated with potty training, like flushing the toilet, hissing, and so on.

Potty Training Chart

Are you the parent of a child who is at the age of using diapers no more? Are you desperate that you cannot get your child into the habit of using the potty to pee-pee and poo-poo? Well, do not worry about it so much as there are many ways to convince even the most stubborn child to do it the proper way. Among these existing methods and techniques, there is also the potty training chart which can really help. A lot of moms and dads keep sharing their experiences and successes regarding the use of a potty training chart with their children.

Just search the internet and you will be amazed at the huge amount of information regarding the potty training chart method of teaching children to go pee-pee or poo-poo in the potty. As a matter of fact, the use of a chart is not restricted to the potty training chart method. Child psychology suggests the use of charts in teaching and training children of all ages, as well as in developing or correcting and improving behavior. 

The problem with the potty training chart method is that it takes a lot of commitment, consistency and patience on your part in order to use the stickers and charts effectively, that is to be able to reach you set goal. Unless you feel your child needs this extra encouragement and incentive, it is not necessary to resort to the method of potty training chart.

But if you find out the child still resists, try the potty training chart and you might discover that it works really fast. With the potty training chart you will make your child proud of his/her achievement in giving up nappies and actually doing what big boys and big girls do – pee-pee and poo-poo in the potty.

If you decide to use the potty training chart method make sure you establish a set of clear guidelines that all your family know of and apply. It might be a good idea to take small steps in training your child. I mean in the beginning just give the child stickers for things like successfully putting his doll or teddy bear on the potty. Then continue with the child himself sitting on the potty and doing the thing.

In the potty training chart method you have to make sure the child understands what the sticker he/she receives is for. As children are different, just like adults, it might take different approaches to train the child. Therefore, if the potty training chart method does not work, you should find another way to do the job. 
How is this potty training chart method used?

Technically speaking it is very simple. First you need the potty training chart which you can either create yourself or download and print out. There are lots of printable potty training charts. Then, every time your child goes pee-pee or poo-poo put a sticker in a square on that day of the week. Then an important part of the potty training chart method is to place a special sticker or star on the chart, when you reach the final square.

On this occasion you should treat the child in a special way. In conclusion the potty training chart method is a motivational tool through which you can keep track of the child’s progress.

Potty Training Charts

Among the solutions parents and specialists have already found for convincing children of all ages to get accustomed to urinating and defecating in the potty, there is also the approach that uses potty training charts. If you are unhappy that you cannot convince your child to use the potty or the toilet and give up nappies, you should know that there are lots of other parents in the world who have found the answer to this problem and who share their experiences on the internet.

Just do some research and you will find the right solution for your child. In as far as using potty training charts is concerned, you can find not only stories, information and advice or how to... instructions, but also a lot of sites that provide you with printable potty training charts.

Actually, there are incredibly numerous potty training charts for you to choose from and use with your children. Stores, specialists in the field as well as individuals have designed various potty training charts to suit different age groups, styles and preferences, gender, etc. Thus, there are potty training charts especially designed for boys and for girls. The difference in potty training charts is made through different colors or different patterns and drawings.

Therefore you can find boys’ potty training charts in which blue is the dominant color and the drawings are mainly cars, rockets and other boy stuff. Consequently girls’ potty training charts will mainly be colored in red or pink and will feature dolls, princesses and other girl things. 

When you decide to use potty training charts you can either create them yourselves or together with your child, or you can choose from the wide existing variety. Besides the paper and card and stickers potty training charts you might also find magnetic boards or strips that you can attach on the fridge or other metal objects in the house.

Anyway, how do potty training charts work? What can they do to convince Junior to pee-pee and poo-poo in the potty? The principle by which potty training charts work is to a certain extent based on the idea of rewarding the child for something s/he does, except they do not get to spoil the child as if in actually rewarding them by giving them some candies or other things they want.

After you decide to use potty training charts, you must establish a set of very clear use about applying the method and let everybody in the family know what these rules are, in order to get consistence in using it. Every time the child does the thing properly, show him/her how it is rewarded with a sticker placed on the chart.

At the end of the chart place a shiny star in the last square and let the child see that that is the great prize for completing the cycle.

The term clip art defines and refers to any picture, drawing, illustration or graphics that is used in advertising, in magazines or any other type of print publication. Comic drawing and children drawing can also be included in clip art. Over the internet we can find a lot of clip art, some of these illustrations, drawings or graphics being simple, that is static, or animated.

When it comes to potty training, specialists have come to understand the importance of drawings and pictures or visual cues in training the children various things. So potty training clip art has appeared and it is quite successful apparently. It can be used in its various forms to help the child understand what he has to do and also to motivate him or her.

Potty training clip art can be bought or simply downloaded from the internet, so it is very easy for parent to acquire it. In case you choose not to buy  special books for teaching your child how to potty train, all it takes is to become a little creative and use these potty training clip art forms to attract and motivate your child.

Potty training clip art can take the form of simple drawings or pictures that you can show the child when you want to introduce the concept of the potty or that of the toilet and what can be done with it. The more colorful and joyful they are, the more appealing for the child.

Potty training clip art can also take the form of training charts. These charts use boxes onto which the child can put some funny and appealing stickers with characters that they like. Of course these cartoon characters or animal figures that they like so much could be shown in the potty training clip art sitting on the toilet or on the potty. The charts come as great motivators for the child and every time he marks a box he can feel rewarded for doing a great job, that is not using the diaper.

Another form in which the potty training clip art can be employed is to transform it into color books. If you notice that your child is really keen on coloring, then you can make your own color book by downloading potty training clip art, printing it and then attaching the papers under the form of a book or notebook. Every time that the child has used the potty or the toilet, you can reward him by letting him color one image provided to you by a potty training clip art website.

The secret to potty training is perseverance and hard work. If the concept of potty training can be insisted upon, then why not do it in the form of clip art to appeal to your color and image receptive child.

Potty Training in 3 Days

Potty Training in 3 Days is an e-book that guarantees that you child will learn to use the potty or the toilet in three days. The tips you find in it have been designed by a grandmother who wanted to help her daughter with potty training. She has tested it, and parents who have used her advice have tested this method of potty training in 3 days, and they all seem to be pleased with its results.

Whether potty training in 3 days or in a much longer time, it is utterly important to motivate and support your child all throughout the training period. It is of utmost importance not to force the child if he or she does not want to go and use the potty. In case the parents do this, then the child will only associate potty time with something negative and will always remember that there is something negative about the potty moment. The result they will obtain when the child is to use the potty is mere resistance on the part of the kid, and what you need is a cooperative, relaxed child in those moments of training.

During the potty training in 3 days it is also recommended that the child should not be already stressed by other things. In case you have recently moved into a new house or there has been a sad event in the family, it is better to postpone the potty training in order to achieve better and faster results. The child needs to feel secure and comforted when he is supposed to learn a new thing.

Again, if you want the child to successfully complete potty training in 3 days or even in a longer time, it is best to not make a big fuss about his potty accidents. You should think that it is only natural for him to wet his pants to until he gets full control over this new skill you want him to acquire.

In case punishments and pressure are applied to the kid, then what will naturally happen is more accidents and you will attract the child’s attention to something that is not so important. If the accident is treated only as something natural or casual and you keep insisting more on the use of the potty, success will come faster your way.

Potty training in 3 days is a method that works. Some people and specialists believe however that it is too idealistic and that it cannot possibly work with all children since their personalities vary so much. Truly successful in 3 days or not, parents who have read the book have learned new methods and tips of how to deal with their child while potty training.

All in all, whatever tip can be offered will surely be useful for the new learning parent and his child.

Potty Training in One Day

Potty training your child can be quite a stressful task for both the parent and the kid. Therefore, specialists and doctors have tried to come up with various methods to simplify the task and make it more enjoyable. The amount of time that a child needs to potty train is also an aspect that concerns many parents as they would like to achieve the potty success as fast as possible. So here comes potty training in one day for you.

This method, potty training in one day, is very much searched for and well known. Some are very skeptical about it and are reluctant to even try it believing it might stress the child. But the method takes the form of a very nice activity, even a game if you want. It relies heavily on role-playing, and as we know children are very fond of role-playing. Actually, they do this very often, pretending to be someone they are not. So, with the potty training in one day method, you can have your child be a parent who wants to teach his doll/kid how to go potty. The trick is that by teaching a doll, the child will learn himself how to go potty theoretically.

The first stage of potty training in one day involves having a doll the can wet. First of all you have the child teach the doll how to use the potty. The doll will have underwear and your child will learn and show the doll how to pull the underwear down and sit on the potty. When the doll has gone potty, you and your child can have a party for the doll. If the doll is in the centre of the attention throughout this party, the child will understand that using the potty is a very good thing for which you can be rewarded.

The next step in potty training in one day is to do away with the diapers. Just like the doll wears big children underwear, so should your kid. Tell him that it is important for him to be like the doll and be a big kid. Then you are supposed to offer your child and have him drink as many liquids as possible.

The purpose behind all this is to get him to go potty as many times as possible during this potty training in one day. In case he wets his pants because he has not asked to go potty, then you can make him go and sit on the potty several times. When he has gone potty successfully, you can throw a party for your child and make him be the centre of attention.

All in all, potty training in one day is the ideal for any parent. In case this method is not fully successful, there is no loss whatsoever. The worst thing, you would have played a game with your child in which he was at least introduced to the concept of potty going.

Potty Training Kit

Potty training is quite a challenge for everybody. There has never been a parent to know how to do this by himself or herself and be successful in no time. Therefore specialists and pediatricians have thought of various formulae to help parents potty train their children.

One that is very famous and seems to appeal a lot to parents is potty training in one day. In order to be able to apply this method, however, you need to buy a potty training kit that will guide you through the training you are offering. The potty training kit consists of a doll, some doll pants or underwear, feeding bottle for the doll and the potty training book for the parents.

The doll can be either a boy or a girl and anatomically it is made to look like us. It should be able to be fed either while it sits or lies down and to pee both sitting down and standing. Since the doll will use water it is important that it should not have batteries simply for the safety of your child. Regularly the potty training kit has a doll that wears diapers under its clothes.

As for the pants or the underwear in the potty training kit, those are for the doll. It is important that the potty training kit should have these, as you have to show the child that the doll is big enough to wear big kid pants or underwear now, so that you can ask the child to accept getting rid of his own diapers as it is done with the doll’s. When the diapers are removed from the doll you and the child are supposed to dress the doll in the pants or the underwear and throw a party as a reward. The pants and the party are the reward that the child will also receive if he goes potty like the doll.

Last but not least, the potty training kit should have some feeding bottles. If you want the doll to pee, then first you have to feed it. This way the child will also learn that feeding will eventually lead to eliminating the liquids and that it is normal to want to go potty after drinking and eating the important meals of the day.

All in all, the potty training kit is very useful for potty training your child. It is associated with the fastest method there is in teaching your child how to use the toilet or the pot.

Potty Training Problems

Many parents have encountered potty training problems. There is no method the in a guaranteed manner works with all children regardless of age and character. That is why there are many methods that parents can resort to. Some of them require a longer time, others promise success in as fast as three days or even only in one day. For the shorter time methods, it is more likely that there will be more potty training problems than it is with longer time methods especially if you do not go about the specific method as it is specifically required.

Many potty training problems appear because the parent does not have sufficient time to dedicate to this stage of the child’s life. It is natural for the child to pose some resistance to using the potty especially if the child has been wearing diapers for some time. Parents now have to understand that first they have to fight an old habit and then instate a new one in its place. If patience is not one of the strong points of the parent and pressure is put on the child, then it is likely that there will appear some potty training problems.

Other potty training problems arise from the fact that the child presents resistance to going potty. It might be because he or she is afraid of the toilet seat, so one good suggestion is to buy a potty seat or a potty chair. This way you will ask the child to perform a new task using something that is more appropriate to his age and height. Resistance can also emerge on the part of the child because you have used deadlines and you have already made a lot of fuss about the accidents the child has had in his pants.

Remember that it is more important that the child should remember how much you insisted on the potty than on the accident. So, a good tip would be not to set any deadlines for the child and not to create agitation having accidents as starting points for it.

Potty training problems may also appear because your child is not motivated enough. Try to identify what the child enjoys most and then use that as a reward for him the first time he goes potty either helped by you or on his own. The reward will teach him that the potty is a good way of getting what he likes and he will surely repeat the potty going. Children learn very fast and are very good at getting what they want. It is only the method of getting what they want that you have to suggest to them.

Whatever potty training problems might come up during this training, be sure there are solutions for them. Books and guides for parents are very helpful in understanding where you may have gone wrong about the training and may help you correct that behavior.

Potty Training Resistance

There comes a time in many parents’ lives when they have to struggle with their children’s unwillingness to give up nappies and lack of understanding for the potty. This phenomenon is called potty training resistance and occurs in many children. Therefore if you are some sad parents do not worry as there are ways to improve the situation. There are a few theoretical things that you should know about potty training resistance which will help you understand what is going on and how you can handle the crisis.

The most important elements of potty training resistance that will help you survive this phase are the causes of and reasons for this kind of behavior, parents-children-potty relationship, as well as the reward-punishment factor. 

In order to be successful in your attempts to get rid of the nappies, you should know what some of the reasons why children resist the potty are. Some of the potty training resistance reasons are: the fear of sitting on the potty chair, pushing a child too early or too fast towards doing this, harsh punishments or incorrectly applied rewards for doing or not doing it, forceful and aggressive implementation of the use of the potty, inconsistent training or mere stubbornness of a child who simply enjoys trying to control the parents. Obviously there are a lot of other potty training resistance reasons. The ones mentioned above, if known about by parents, the potty training resistance situation, can be much more easily dealt with and solved. 

If you experience potty training resistance, another issue to keep in mind is the way you should deal with will always be the way you reward the child for hi/her successful attempts to follow your instructions about using the potty. Potty training resistance can be successfully combated with a reward or incentive for using the potty after all. Among the rewards you should use, there are praise and attention given to the child when he starts to let go of potty training resistance, potty training charts and potty training reward charts.

One thing you should definitely avoid doing if you want to rid your child of his/her potty training resistance is to stay away from physical punishment for not using the potty. Physical punishment should not be applied to older children either. The right thing to do is to explain the child the situation and try to make him/her understand the usefulness of using the potty, in order to be successful in dealing with their potty training resistance.

Using a Reward Chart

Potty training can be very frustrating and energy consuming at times. If you are the parents of a hard to deal with child you will surely need some potty training specialized advice and guidelines. You should not despair since there are many ways to start and carry out such a process successfully. One of the most important things to know and put into practice is to treat the child properly, not to force him or to call him down.

Shouting at the child or having him sit on the potty against his will will do no good. The correct approach to potty training effectively is to be calm and patient and encourage the child to do things the way big boys or big girls do.

A good thing to use is the potty training reward chart. Rewarding the child for potty training is a highly recommended course of action that will be found in any expert’s advice. Praising the child verbally is very good but using a visual aid such as a potty training reward chart is eve better. Why is a potty training reward chart more likely to be successfull?

Well, it is well known that visual aids are more effective than any other types of factors as visual impact is stronger in general and in children in particular. If you want or have to use potty training with your child, then you should also consider the potty training reward chart in order to be sure of the successful achievement of your goals. 

Where can you get a potty training reward chart? It is quite simple to get a potty training reward chart. You can visit some children’s stores and choose one or more of the potty training books on the shelves. These books contain potty training reward chart sheets that you can use to record your child’s progress. Besides you can find not just one potty training reward chart but hundreds of them on the internet. All you have to do is download a potty training reward chart and use it.

Or you can create your own potty training reward chart using paper, card, ruler, colored pencils or markers, and stars or stickers. You just have to make sure you create or choose the potty training reward chart that is adequate for your child’s age, gender and preferences.

Explaining the child how the potty training reward chart works and why he receives a star or sticker, you will make the child proud of using the potty, thus forgetting about his previous fears or lack of willingness.

Potty Training Tips

A lot of the parents in this world although very happy about their children, when they want to get rid of the diapers have to face a real nightmare, that of potty training. Actually, potty training can become very frustrating for the people whose children are wild or scared and resist potty training. Therefore, many parents need at least some potty training tips, if not some specialized courses. There are potty training tips coming from parents who have been there and have experienced the nightmare of potty training.

In addition, parents and relatives, neighbors and friends can also come up with a few potty training tips when you feel you do not know what to do anymore. If you are interested and in bad need for some potty training tips just access the internet and you will be provided with tons of them. 

No matter how hard and frustrating the job of potty training might turn out to be, do not despair. There will always be some helpful potty training tips just “round the corner”. All you have to do is ask for potty training tips and you will get them almost instantly. According to pediatricians parents must realize when the children are ready for starting potty training. One of their first potty training tips is for parents to try to realize that children cannot control their body functions until they are cognitively and neurologically mature, that is between the ages of 2 and 2 1 and in some cases even later. Therefore pushing the children too early to potty train is not a wise thing to do.

Some of the signs of children’s being ready for potty training include: language or signs that indicate the need to use the toilet; the necessity to stay dry for at least 2 hours after a diaper change; fine motor skills to dress or undress; an interest in pleasing parents or modeling, and others.

One of the potty training tips given by pediatricians is to begin toilet learning so to say, from the moment the child is born. Parents should talk normally about these body functions and name the different parts of the body and conditions of voiding like “You’re wet”, “Do you need to pee/poop?” As toilet training is about gender identity, privacy and ideas about who is responsible for the child’s body and life, many of the potty training tips given by either specialists or ordinary people, refer to the way this kind of training must be carried out.

If the training is done in an aggressive coercive way, it can set off negative reactions like resistance, and others more serious which may affect a child’s mental health as well. 

Some other potty training tips focus on getting the child accustomed to the objects involved in this training, like toilet, potty, dirty diaper or potty chair. By explaining the child how these work and what they are for or why they are good or bad, you can start the process successfully and ensure an efficient continuation of the training.

Potty Training

Potty training! The way it sounds, makes potty training seem like a whole science. If you do some research on the internet you will surely agree with my feeling, as there are countless sites presenting potty training theories, approaches, methods and materials, equipment, etc. Besides the moms and dads who share their experiences in the field of potty training, there are also specialists, among which pediatricians and psychologists, who write and explain the dos and don’ts of potty training and the related phenomena and situations. 

Successful potty training requires a positive attitude and an incredible amount of patience on the parents’ part. Besides and more importantly, it requires also cooperation and readiness on the part of the child.

Trying to train a child who is not physically or emotionally mature will not only be unproductive, but it will also cause unnecessary stress for both parents and children. Therefore, before deciding to start potty training, you should make sure that your child is ready for this process. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, although between the ages of 18 and 24 months most children show signs of being ready for potty training, there are still children who reach this stage only when they are 30 months old or even later than that. How do you know that your child is ready for potty training? Well, there are signs, of course.

You may notice that your child shows some interest in using the toilet or potty; the child starts making faces and changing his/her posture or telling you when it is time to urinate; sometimes children want to be changed soon after soiling their diapers; or they can speak well enough to be able to tell when they need to use the potty. All these, and others, are signs that the time for potty training is here.

Now, once you noticed that the child is ready for potty training, there are a few things to know about actually ding it. Maybe the most important is how to start potty training. Obviously, the first step is buying a potty chair which is smaller than the regular toilet. The size makes the child feel safer while potty training. Get the child to sit on the potty during the times when s/he is likely to urinate or have bowel movements.

To convince the child to sit on the potty longer, you may want to read to him, sing a song together with him or simply talk. Anyway, potty training does not mean forcing the child to sit there too long or against his will. While potty training, you should also avoid physical aggressiveness or verbal violence.

The opposite, encouraging and rewarding or praising the child during potty training will always help.

Printable Potty Training Charts

Potty training children who, for various reasons, do not use the potty when it is time to, can be very demanding and frustrating. Therefore, those of you who are in such a situation should try to find the right tools. The good thing about the situation is that there are various tools, methods and helpful people available and eager to help you.

Among these tools you can choose from, there are the printable potty training charts that you can find on the internet. If you search the internet, you will surely find printable potty training charts you can download and use. Besides these printable potty training charts you will also find information and instructions about using the charts. These printable potty training charts are free and can be printed right from the comfort of your home. You have no bother going to a library to find a book to borrow or to a book store to buy one.

There are many websites where you can get valuable information together with the printable potty training charts. Such websites are Child Avenue, Potty Training Concepts, Able Baby Company, Free Printable Behavior Charts. Family Crafts and many others like these. If you access any of these websites, you will get very nice and attractive printable potty training charts. With printable potty training charts you will be able to motivate and affirm your child to use the potty in a very short time.

When you decide to use printable potty training charts you should look for the stickers with your child’s favorite cartoon or comic characters. Printable potty training charts are easy to use and effective as your child will be eager to earn another sticker and another sticker or star with his favorite cartoon character. If you want to you can think of the use of printable potty training charts as a kind of blakmail, it is true, but as long as your child is convinced to use the potty and not poop or pee in his pants, who cares?

Besides, the child will be very proud of his printable potty training charts and he will want to show them to everybody. If there is another younger sibling, the child and his printable potty training charts may be also helpful in potty training the junior.

Potty Training Reward Charts

If you are among the parents forced to resort to potty training, you have to consider a number of factors that will contribute to the success of your enterprise. Have you ever thought that rewarding your child for his /her achievements in learning and training to use the potty is essential, the key to successful training, actually? Well, it is.

And you will not only this from ordinary people, parents like you, who have gone through the difficult task of potty training, but also from specialists – pediatricians and psychologists. The process itself is not sufficient unless you use the completion stage, namely the potty training reward charts, to record the times when the child sat on the potty and peed and pooped in it. What are potty training reward charts? As their names tell, potty training reward charts are devices meant to record children’s successful uses of the potty.

They are made of paper or card, or they can be laminated. They are like chess boards with squares on them. Potty training reward charts come with stickers or stars that you place in the squares as signs of the success of the child to use the potty. You can also create the potty training reward charts yourselves, adapting them to the needs and preferences, as well as to the gender of your child.

Yet the potty training reward charts that you can find in stores or on the internet –free, downloadable, have been designed to suit the needs of different children. They come in different colors and patterns which makes it quite easy for you to find the right one that will please your child. 

There has always been debate on whether to reward or not to reward a child, not only for using or not using the potty, but for things he does or does not do. The debate mentioned above started from the fact that rewarding a child with sweets or toys or other objects given to him might spoil him. As a result people have come up with these potty training reward charts which have the effect of encouraging and praising the child not “bribing”, and consequently spoiling, the child. If, instead of using potty training reward charts you decide on using sweets or other things, the child will probably develop deviant behavior.

He will only act if rewarded. Besides potty training reward charts, you can also consider using other types of incentives to help your child reach the potty training goals. Praise the child or give him a favorite snack. Read your child a story or let him flush the potty. Anyway, no matter what you have in mind to reward the child do not forget that they don’t need to be elaborate or expensive.